As winter approaches, you may think it’s time to rejoice in excitement, but did you know some insects are very much active during the winter? Pests control is advised during the winter as there are insects that are still active. We call this overwintering. Overwintering and hibernation mean pests can go practically undetected during cold months only to become more active in the spring and cause immediate issues. In this blog post, we explain overwintering and hibernation, identify which pests commonly do it, and how you can identify problems before they become bigger problems. Let’s discuss what overwintering is and ways to prevent pests during the winter.
What Does Overwintering Mean?
Overwintering is the process of surviving or passing through the winter season when normal activity or survival is difficult. When we talk about overwintering, we are particularly talking about pests and insects. During the cold months, pests and insects look at your home as a warm and fuzzy place to migrate to. Overwintering is how these pests and insects survive during the winter.
Hibernation Vs. Overwintering: What is the Difference?
What is the difference between hibernation and overwintering? Let’s take a closer look at the differences between the two. When pests hibernate, they enter a deep sleep mode that can last for months. When pests are overwintering, they are not in a state of hibernation nor are they resting. Overwintering means they are migrating to another location to survive the cold months. Some pests and insects overwinter as larvae, pupae, eggs, or nymphs. This process is to allow them to survive the cold temperatures in their various stages and emerge as adults come spring.

Where Do Pests Go During the Winter?
When winter arrives, many people hope that pests disappear until spring. But in reality, pests have developed fascinating survival strategies to make it through the colder months. Let’s explore the many ways pests manage to stay warm, fed, and hidden away during winter.
Some pests use a method called overwintering, where they find warm, protected places to settle in and wait for warmer weather. Overwintering pests may hide out in basements, attics, inside of walls, or even inside furniture. Common overwintering pests include stink bugs, lady bugs, and boxelder bugs, which are well known for invading homes as temperatures drop. Overwintering is a form of temporary inactivity, allowing pests to maintain their energy and survive until spring.
Quick Tip: Seal cracks, install screens, and make sure your home is properly insulated to keep overwintering pests out!
Just like bears, some pests enter a state of hibernation to survive the cold. Hibernation slows down the pests’ metabolic rate, allowing them to go long periods without food. Certain spiders, ants, and bees will hibernate in sheltered areas outdoors, burrowing into the ground, hiding under tree bark, or finding shelter in logs. While they may seem to disappear, these pests are actually “sleeping” through the winter.
Did You Know? Some insects, like honeybees, form a “winter cluster” by huddling together and vibrating their wings to stay warm in their hives.
Migration is another survival tactic used by certain pests to avoid winter. Monarch butterflies are perhaps the best-known migrating insect, traveling thousands of miles to find warmer climates. Other insects, like certain dragonflies, also migrate to escape the cold. This migration is typically prompted by temperature changes, and these pests won’t return until they discover springtime warmth.
Fun Fact: Monarch butterflies travel up to 3,000 miles to their wintering grounds in Mexico!
Pests have adapted remarkable survival strategies to get through the winter. By overwintering, hibernating, or migrating, they’re able to avoid freezing and prepare to re-emerge as soon as the weather warms up. Understanding these behaviors can help you take preventive steps to keep pests from sharing your warm home during the cold months!

Common Pests & How They Survive the Winter
Here are some common pests and how they survive during the winter.
1. Rodents- Rodents such as mice, squirrels, opossums and other rodents survive the winter in various ways. One way they typically survive is by creating nests in homes. These nests can also be created anywhere there is warmth such as car compartments, dressers, underneath beds and couches, and attics. Rodents are crafty creatures and their main goal during the winter is to find a warm home.
2. Flies- Flies may seem to disappear in the winter, but many survive by entering a dormant state in warm indoor spaces or hidden outdoor spots. Some fly species, like cluster flies, seek shelter in attics and wall voids, staying inactive until temperatures rise again.
3. Boxelder Bugs- Boxelder bugs are infamous for invading homes in large numbers as they seek warmth. They enter through cracks and crevices, hiding in walls and attics to hibernate, where they remain until spring signals it’s time to re-emerge.
4. Cockroaches– Cockroaches are known for being extremely difficult to get rid of. Not only do they have a tough skeletal build, have quick reproductive cycles, they also have a high ability to survive during the winter months.
5. Bed Bugs- Since bed bugs are primarily inside of homes, the winter time does not affect them as much as other pests that hibernate or migrate. Bed bugs are prone to getting into homes through luggage, people, or household items, and can survive extreme cold temperatures as they mostly live inside of walls, cracks, and household furniture.
How to Prevent Pests in the Winter
As temperatures start to drop, pests will start looking for warm places to spend the winter, often finding their way indoors. Keeping pests out of your home during the winter can feel challenging, but with a few simple steps, you can protect your space.
-Seal any holes your home may have. It’s important to seal any cracks or holes that can allow pests to make their way into your home.
-Keep food in airtight containers. You want to eliminate all food sources as best as you can.
-Trim trees and shrubs surrounding your home.
-Use screens on your windows and doors to help keep insects out of your home.
-Keep your kitchen area clean, organized, and clutter free.
-Always remove your trash at the end of the day.
-Use pest-repellants inside and outside of your home. This is a great way to take precaution.
-Eliminate moisture in your home by regularly dusting your home and using a dehumidifier to retain moisture.
-Seal doors and windows. Doors and windows are one of the most common ways that pests find their way into homes.
-Repair cracks and openings. It’s important to repair or close any cracks and openings in your home that could serve as an entry point for pests.
Need Help with Overwintering Pest Prevention?
Pests can be a challenge to keep out of your homes and even more of a challenge during the winter months. Interstate pest control is here to help keep your home pests free. We offer a wide range of pest control services. Click here to browse through our services. When you’re ready to schedule a call or make an appointment, we will be happy to ensure your home is pests free!