Prepping Your Washington Home for Fall Pests

Some Washingtonians argue that fall is the best season of the year in the Pacific Northwest, with the beautiful foliage of our many trails and mountains. But fall also means an increase in pest activity as insects seek out warmth before winter comes. Here’s a quick guide to fall pest activity and tips for prepping your home to deter creepy crawly invaders.    

Fall Pest Activity 

Ladybug on leaf

Here are some pests you’ll likely see more of during the fall: 

Stink Bugs: Stink bugs come inside during the fall and you’ll tend to see them hang out on walls or windows. They only stink if you crush them–so carefully place them outside or flush them.
Boxelder Bugs: Boxelders, named for the type of tree they like to hang on, will come inside during the fall. 
Ladybugs: Ladybugs tend to be people’s favorite bugs for their cute appearance and supposed good luck.   
No See Ums/Biting Midges: These tiny insects are most active in warm, moist environments, near water sources like lakes and marshes. They’re known for their painful bites, so use insect repellent if you’re hanging out near the ocean or lake on a warm fall day. 
Fleas: Fleas will stay active during the warm fall days and will attempt to hitch a ride on you or your pet to come inside. 

Additionally, you’re likely to see an influx of spiders, ants, and cockroaches enter your house to look for food and warmth. Ants and termites swarm in the fall as they seek to mate and establish new colonies before winter. Do an exterior inspection for entry points before it gets too cold out so they can’t enter! Mosquitoes will also be active until the first frost.  

Flying Bugs

Wasps: Wasps will remain active in early fall as they prepare for the winter. The workers will die off once the temperature drops and the queens will hibernate in sheltered areas during the winter. 
Flies: Common flies, such as house flies and cluster flies, will enter homes to escape the cold. 
Asian Lady Beetles: Similar to the ladybug, these beetles will also come looking for shelter.  

Fall Garden Pests

Snails hiding in some foliage

Getting your garden prepped for winter? Here are some critters to watch out for: 

Aphids: Aphids, those little pear-shaped bugs, will feed on your plants until frost.
Caterpillars: You might see caterpillars feeding on crops and foliage in preparation for the winter. 
Slugs and Snails: Slugs and snails are highly active during our damp fall days. 

To keep your garden healthy in the fall, clean up debris like fallen leaves and dead plants to eliminate hiding spots for these pests. Add a layer of mulch to protect plant roots and suppress weeds. 

What’s that Sound? 

You might find the chirping or buzzing noise of insects on warm fall nights soothing or annoying, but what makes those sounds anyway? In Washington, the most likely culprits are crickets and katydids. They make these sounds by rubbing their wings together as part of their mating ritual to attract mates before the cold weather sets in. 

Preventing Bugs this Fall 

Here are some tips for keeping your home pest-free this fall! 

– Inspect the exterior of your home and seal up any entry points.  
– Keep up with regular cleaning and vacuuming to remove food crumbs and prevent bugs from being attracted to your home. 
– Reduce moisture in the home by fixing leaks and using a dehumidifier.  
– Keep food and garbage cans sealed. 
– Call a pest control professional to do a thorough inspection and help you choose the right pest control plan for your specific needs.  

As the days get cooler, pests will try their hardest to find a warm and safe home for the winter. Follow the prevention steps or work with a pest control professional to ensure they don’t choose your home!