• Identifying When You Have a Bee Issue


Identifying when you have a bee issue in Portland OR - Vancouver - Longview - Kelso WABees are beneficial to the environment because they are pollinators. However, they can be pests and deliver painful stings if disturbed. Sometimes nests are visible and other times you may not see them.

Signs You May Have a Bee Nest

  • Large numbers of bees: While this seems obvious, if you notice a ton of bees swarming around your property, you likely have a bee nest. Pay attention to whether the bee numbers remain consistent or if they are there one day and gone the next.
  • Inspect your walls and attic: Carefully inspect your attic or wall voids. Honey bees are known to build their nests in these locations.
  • Track where the bees are flying: next time you see a bee, follow it to see where it’s nest is. If several bees are traveling in the same direction, they might be headed to the same hive.

Types of Bees

There are over 16,000 known bee species in the world. But the most common species you’ll see in the Pacific Northwest include the honey bee and the bumblebee. While they have several similarities these two insects are quite different. One of the biggest indicators is size. Bumblebees are much larger than honey bees. They’re also fuzzier. Bumblebees also nest underground whereas honey bees nest in trees.

Both of these bees do have stingers and will sting if they feel threatened. However, while a honey bee can only sting once, a bumblebee can sting several times without injuring itself.

Dangers of Bee Nests

Keep in mind, if you leave bee nests untreated, they will continue to grow. This can become a danger if you’re allergic to bee stings or have young children around. Additionally, bees can become aggressive if they feel their nest is being threatened.

Why You Should Call a Bee Professional

Removing a bee nest is not something anyone should attempt to perform. We here at Interstate Pest Management recognize the important role that bees play in the environment and the danger of Colony Collapse Disorder. All of our services are designed with the safety of bees in mind and we only treat the insects in situations where beekeepers cannot remove the nest.